31 research outputs found

    Systematic Mapping Study in Information Systems Research

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    A systematic mapping study is a type of secondary study with the goal of providing an overview of a subject as it is reported in primary studies. A systematic map often describes research trends over time, uncovers possible research gaps and focus points, and provides a synthesis of the chosen subject. We believe that while a systematic mapping study should not be the sole research method for a researcher, it is a noteworthy candidate for one of the first research methods in a researcher\u27s career. In this study, we argue for and against utilizing a systematic mapping study as one of the first research methods in information systems research and provide accessible guidelines for conducting a systematic mapping study. Although these instructions are for educators, we have strived to communicate these guidelines for an undergraduate or graduate thesis writer by providing examples of other mapping studies, giving our opinions on the numbers of primary studies regarding each step of the mapping process to manage a feasible workload, and presenting hints and tips on applicable tools

    Database management system performance comparisons: A systematic literature review

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    Efficiency has been a pivotal aspect of the software industry since its inception, as a system that serves the end-user fast, and the service provider cost-efficiently benefits all parties. A database management system (DBMS) is an integral part of effectively all software systems, and therefore it is logical that different studies have compared the performance of different DBMSs in hopes of finding the most efficient one. This study systematically synthesizes the results and approaches of studies that compare DBMS performance and provides recommendations for industry and research. The results show that performance is usually tested in a way that does not reflect real-world use cases, and that tests are typically reported in insufficient detail for replication or for drawing conclusions from the stated results.Comment: 36 page

    A Notation for Planning SQL Queries

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    Structured Query Language (SQL) is still the de facto database query language widely used in industry and taught in almost all university level database courses. The role of SQL is further strengthened by the emergence of NewSQL systems which use SQL as their query language as well as some NoSQL systems, e.g., Cassandra and DynamoDB, which base their query languages on SQL. Even though the syntax of SQL is relatively simple when compared to programming languages, studies suggest that students struggle with simple concepts due to working memory constraints when learning SQL. This teaching tip presents a novel, simple, and intuitive notation for planning more complex SQL queries, which 1) facilitates the learning of SQL by providing students with a big picture of a particular data demand in regard to the database structure and 2) separates the logic of a data demand from the syntax and semantics of SQL, thus alleviating the strain on the student’s short-term memory. The notation can also be applied when discussing SQL semantics during the teaching process without focusing on the syntactical nuances of the language

    Vector database management systems: Fundamental concepts, use-cases, and current challenges

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    Vector database management systems have emerged as an important component in modern data management, driven by the growing importance for the need to computationally describe rich data such as texts, images and video in various domains such as recommender systems, similarity search, and chatbots. These data descriptions are captured as numerical vectors that are computationally inexpensive to store and compare. However, the unique characteristics of vectorized data, including high dimensionality and sparsity, demand specialized solutions for efficient storage, retrieval, and processing. This study provides an accessible introduction to the fundamental concepts, use-cases, and current challenges associated with vector database management systems, offering an overview for researchers and practitioners seeking to explore this burgeoning technology aimed to facilitate effective vector data management.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Coping with Uncertainty in an Agile Systems Development Course

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    Uncertain and ambiguous environments are commonplace in information systems development (ISD) projects, and while different Agile frameworks welcome changes in organizational, technical, and business environments, the incurred uncertainty is known to negatively affect the development process and the quality of the final product. The effects of uncertainty on ISD projects have been studied in the past in real organizational contexts, but the effects of uncertainty on students in Agile systems development have received less attention from scholars. In this study, we measured the effects of experienced uncertainty on students’ performance in an Agile systems development course and how uncertainty affected the quality of the system developed by the students using Scrum. We implemented the course using a problem based learning (PBL) approach and simulated uncertainty through various work environment reflecting concepts. Our study reveals that the effects of uncertainty are fairly similar among students and software professionals, and we identified three different coping strategies that students used with varying degrees of success. We present that learning approaches such as PBL enable a befitting environment for students to acquire hands-on experience in coping with uncertain environments, thus mitigating the problems students are likely to face in their work environments

    Crowdsourcing Content Creation for SQL Practice

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    Crowdsourcing refers to the act of using the crowd to create content or to collect feedback on some particular tasks or ideas. Within computer science education, crowdsourcing has been used -- for example -- to create rehearsal questions and programming assignments. As a part of their computer science education, students often learn relational databases as well as working with the databases using SQL statements. In this article, we describe a system for practicing SQL statements. The system uses teacher-provided topics and assignments, augmented with crowdsourced assignments and reviews. We study how students use the system, what sort of feedback students provide to the teacher-generated and crowdsourced assignments, and how practice affects the feedback. Our results suggest that students rate assignments highly, and there are only minor differences between assignments generated by students and assignments generated by the instructor.Peer reviewe

    Foundations for Esports Curricula in Higher Education

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    Esports has generated an industry of increasing economic and cultural importance. In recent years, universities and other higher education institutions have responded to its growth by establishing programmes of study which aim to satisfy the needs of innovators operating in the area. However, there is not yet consensus on what an esports curriculum should include. Despite being a technology-driven sector with ethical and professional dimensions that intersect computing, current ACM and IEEE curricula do not mention esports. Furthermore, existing courses tend to provide teaching and training on a wide variety of topics aside from those traditionally in computer science. These include: live events management; psychological research; sports science; marketing; public relations; video (livestream) production; and community management; in addition to coaching and communication. This working group examined the requirements for developing esports studies at universities with a focus on understanding career prospects in esports and on the challenges presented by its interdisciplinary complexity. Thereby, paving the way for a framework to support the design of esports curricula in higher education

    Towards a Framework to Support the Design of Esports Curricula in Higher Education

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    Esports has generated an industry of increasing economic and cultural importance. In recent years, universities and other higher education institutions have responded to its growth by establishing undergraduate courses to satisfy the needs of innovators operating in the area. However, there is not yet consensus on what an esports curriculum should include. Despite being a technology-driven sector with ethical and professional dimensions that intersect computing, current ACM and IEEE curricula do not mention esports. Furthermore, existing courses tend to provide teaching and training on a wide variety of topics aside from those traditionally in computer science. These include: live events management; psychological research; sports science; marketing; public relations; video (livestream) production; and community management; in addition to coaching. This working group seeks to examine the requirements for developing esports studies at universities with a focus on understanding career prospects in esports and on the challenges presented by its disciplinary complexity. The group will identify key learning outcomes and assess how they align with industry needs, paving the way for a framework to support the design of esports curricula in higher education

    Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskartoitus tietojärjestelmätieteen tutkimusmenetelmänä

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    Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskartoitus on toissijainen tutkimus, jonka tavoitteena on antaa yleiskuva tutkimusaiheesta siten kuin tutkimusaihe kuvataan ensisijaisissa tutkimuksissa. Menetelmän tuloksena syntyvä systemaattinen kartta kuvaa tutkimustrendejä ajan kuluessa, paljastaa vähälle huomiolle jääneitä tutkimuksen painopisteitä sekä tarjoaa synteesin valitusta aiheesta. Vaikka systemaattinen kirjallisuuskartoitus on harvoin ainoa tutkijan tutkimusmenetelmä, kirjallisuuskartoitus on varteenotettava vaihtoehto yhdeksi ensimmäisistä tutkijan uran tutkimusmenetelmistä. Tässä tutkimuksessa esitetään argumentteja systemaattisen kirjallisuuskartoituksen hyödyntämisen puolesta sekä sitä vastaan tietojärjestelmätieteen tutkimuksessa. Lisäksi tämä tutkimus tarjoaa ohjeet systemaattisen kirjallisuuskartoituksen tekemiseen. Vaikka nämä ohjeet on suunnattu ensisijaisesti opettajille, tämä tutkimus pyrkii viestimään ohjeet myös opinnäytetyötä tai tieteellistä artikkelia kirjoittavalle perus- tai jatko-opiskelijalle. Tutkimus tarjoaa esimerkkejä muista kirjallisuuskartoituksista, antaa suosituksia ensisijaisten tutkimusten määrästä kunkin kartoitusprosessin vaiheen suhteen työmäärän hallitsemiseksi, sekä esittää vinkkejä ja neuvoja hyödyllisistä työkaluista

    Skaalautuvan vektorigrafiikan sovellusalueet

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      Taipalus, Toni Petteri Skaalautuvan vektorigrafiikan sovellusalueet / Toni Taipalus Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2010. 31 s. Kandidaatintutkielma Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan skaalautuvan vektorigrafiikan standardin etuja ja heikkouksia sekä sen soveltumista erilaisiin käyttökohteisiin. Tarkoituksena on kartoittaa, mihin standardi sopii ja mihin se ei sovi. Arviointi pyritään tekemään ensisijaisesti kirjallisuuden pohjalta, mutta lisäksi on perehdytty standardin mukaisten dokumenttien rakenteeseen. Tarkoituksena on antaa käsitys standardin etujen ja heikkouksien vaikutukseen tilanteissa, joissa standardia harkitaan sovellettavaksi. Tutkielmassa havaitaan, että standardin soveltuvuutta tiettyyn käyttö-kohteeseen on vaikea arvioida, jos tiedot sovellutuksen kohteesta ovat pintapuolisia. Ei siis voida yksiselitteisesti sanoa sen soveltuvan jollekin sovellusalueelle. Lisäksi huomattiin, että standardi toimii parhaiten muiden, erityisesti tekstipohjaisiin dokumentteihin perustuvien tekniikoiden kanssa.     